A good friend was sacked recently from his job. Allow me tell you what happened:
One morning, when he was lying in bed and thinking about getting up for work, he partly remembered something some friends were talking about, the evening before, in the pub.
One was describing the difficulties a friend was going through, how the Commercial Department that sent several parts for a contract, costing between £12k and £20k each, had got the order wrong and were expecting him to stump up for their error, despite him returning the items; not an uncommon experience, I suppose. He typed out a critique, to the best of his memory, on his facebook page, extolling them to put their crayons back in the tin and do one.
Somebody at work saw the comments and, jumping to the conclusion that it was about his/her Commercial Department, had a hissy fit and reported it to his bosses.
My friend was suspended by one manager; then he was sacked by another.
The manager who dismissed him was the same one who cocked-up his transfer to another depot, who tried to bully him into driving a vehicle without a working speedometer, and who caused him getting a final warning because he wouldn't listen to his reasoning.
They would not allow him to explain who and what it was about, or write a report (as they normally would for just about everything) never mind there being no proof that it was about the company. So, this was going to be a fair hearing wasn't it . . ?
Under pressure from the P45 being sent by them FOUR days before his appeal, another manager upheld the decision to dismiss and he awaits his final appeal in a few days time.
He now has to try to get re-instated in his job and get paid his lost earnings but, really, who would want to work for such a bunch of arseholes like those?