Friday, 14 January 2011

Can't Sleep; Won't Sleep

Sleep is a precious commodity, especially when it is unobtainable, as it is now, for me. It is nearly four a.m.; I have an appointment at the doctor's at ten to ten.
Because I can't get any shut-eye I am writing this, and we all know how detrimental to health and stimulating looking at bright screen can be, don't we...?
Oh, I tried to sleep, and tried, and tried. That is probably the problem: making an effort. Making any effort awakens the mind, causing a vicious circle. Effort is then made to break the vicious circle, causing further awakening.
This goes on until you are exhausted and do, indeed, fall asleep. The morning alarm goes off; you wake up feeling as though you have only just fallen asleep; fatigue sets in at work earlier than usual; you start losing concentration and get things wrong.
In some jobs fatigue is lethal! Even if it isn't lethal, it could get you the sack. You realise this; this realisation causes stress; this stress causes you to lose sleep; lack of sleep causes you to cock things up at work; your boss notices; you are put on notice; this notice causes more stress; aaargh! The circle must be broken!
Luckily, at the moment, I am off work due to Tonsillitis and a bad back.
Sleep? Pah! Who needs it?

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Getting Back On Track (Despite Banklay's)

After following Money Saving Expert for several years, I had decided to take their advice regarding bank charges and sent letters to Banklay's Barc (yes, you know to whom I'm refering) and the Financial Ombudsman outlining that over six years, Bankley's have taken aproximately £1400 from my account and reckon that I am £680 over-drawn. I offered Banklay's to put my balance to zero and close the account; they would still be over £700 up and, better still, we would be free of each other, happy days!
Just before Christmas, I received a letter from the toothless Financial Ombudsman stating that they would not uphold my complaint about Banklay's Illegal/Unlawful/Unfair/DaylightPenalty Charges.
A day later I received a letter from Bankley's, demanding that I pay back the money they insist I owe them, and to not ignore their demands (I mean, letters). I'm not ignoring them, I just don't have any money to pay them right now.
On my meagre wages, even with over-time, I am struggling to keep my head above water.
Wish me luck; I'll need it! Oh, and Happy New Year (especially if you work for Banklay's Barc)!

Facebook generation suffer information withdrawal syndrome - Telegraph

Facebook generation suffer information withdrawal syndrome - Telegraph I think it only confirms what we already suspected...